Monday, November 18, 2013

The Negro F’d-up — shoulda’ left 151 years ago

Many years ago while doing research, I ran across the narrative of a most profound meeting held at the White House, between president Lincoln and a delegation of five, free black ministers. In that meeting, Lincoln made a proposition that if acted upon, would have changed the lives of every Negro in America immediately, for the better, if followed through with proper care. It was perhaps the most important moment in my search for an understanding of exactly how Coloreds, Negroes, Mulattos, and Blacks came to this state of ruin today, in a country that would have moved Heaven and earth to relocated them somewhere else, 151 years ago.
Problem was, I could never remember the name of the book where the story came from. We’re talking about the 1980s, before Google. I actually had to spend hours upon hours in libraries pouring through stacks of books to learn things. Today, Google, and guess what I found thanks to The 'Great Emancipator' and the Issue of Race, Abraham Lincoln's Program of Black Resettlement, by Robert Morgan I found the narrative. I highly recommend you visit Robert’s site.
As always, I am simply going to copy/paste from Robert’s work, and interject my own commentary. This is a little long, but dramatically important:
“On August 14, 1862, Lincoln met with five free black ministers, the first time a delegation of their race was invited to the White House on a matter of public policy. The President made no effort to engage in conversation with the visitors, who were bluntly informed that they had been invited to listen. Lincoln did not mince words, but candidly told the group
 ““You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them, by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated.

... Even when you cease to be slaves, you are yet far removed from being placed on an equality with the white race ... The aspiration of men is to enjoy equality with the best when free, but on this broad continent, not a single man of your race is made the equal of a single man of ours. Go where you are treated the best, and the ban is still upon you.

... We look to our condition, owing to the existence of the two races on this continent. I need not recount to you the effects upon white men growing out of the institution of slavery. I believe in its general evil effects on the white race.”

See our present condition -- the country engaged in war! -- our white men cutting one another's throats, none knowing how far it will extend; and then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or the other. Nevertheless, I repeat, without the institution of slavery, and the colored race as a basis, the war would not have an existence.

It is better for us both, therefore, to be separated.””
An excellent site for black resettlement, Lincoln went on, was available in Central America. It had good harbors and an abundance of coal that would permit the colony to be quickly put on a firm financial footing. The President concluded by asking the delegation to determine if a number of freedmen with their families would be willing to go as soon as arrangements could be made.”

‘Our race suffers from your presence among us; even when you cease to be slaves, you are yet far removed from being placed on an equality with the white race,’ really, and the Negro decided to stick around? So now it is one hundred and fifty one years later and Blacks are still whining about being second-class citizens… go figure.
 “What about Barak Obama, he’s the first Black president of the United States of America! Are you trying to say that’s not progress?” my ultra-liberal Black associate exclaims. When you consider it’s the big corporations, bankers, and anything that looks like a tax that benefits from our mixed-race president, I wouldn’t call that progress, I prefer the word Coup’, in all it’s meaning an import. My point is from Lincoln, to Chief Justice Roger B. Taney’s, 1857 majority decision against Dred Scot;
“They had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery… He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it. This opinion was at that time fixed and universal in the civilized portion of the white race. It was regarded as an axiom in morals as well as in politics, which no one thought of disputing, or supposed to be open to dispute; and men in every grade and position in society daily and habitually acted upon it in their private pursuits, as well as in matters of public concern, without doubting for a moment the correctness of this opinion.” 

you have to ask yourself; why didn’t the Negro just get the hell out of America, and actually go back to Africa?
            Think that’s an outrageous question? Hmm…! The continent of Africa is where most of the world's gold, silver, diamonds, uranium, a host of other precious metals, wildlife (back in the day, before the white men), lush scenery, and resources that every country on planet earth has been trying to get their hands on ever since the first White men saw the richness and wonder of all she had to offer.

            The only problem; the land was crawling with savages—blacks—an infestation of sorts to the whites, that the daring invaders had to eradicate if they wanted to rape her and make ga-zillions of dollars. The land belonged to your direct ancestors, Negroes. They were happy living as the unwashed, in harmony with Mother Earth, the Great Creator, and saw living spirits in everything — the water, ants, trees, lions, tigers and bears, oh, my… but they weren’t ready for the Dutch, the British, and Missionaries.

“If we talk about education we have to educate ourselves, not with Hegel or Plato or the missionaries who came to Africa with the Bible and we had the land  and when they left we had the Bible and they had the land.” Stokely Carmichael, 1966  

            Of course the plan wouldn’t have worked unless they were able to convince leaders of various tribes to betray other tribes and sell each other into slavery for money, weapons, and trinkets. So they get snatched up, taken away, enslaved, and given a new (false) religion, which incredibly, the Negro still clings to today. The religion, I believe, is what kept them here, believing America would be for them what the Promised Land was for the Hebrews.

When they had the chance to go back to their homeland, taking with them all the technological understanding they gained through hard work and labor, they decided to stay amongst a people who despised and hated the very sight of a free “Negro,” in a land they would never truly be accepted as equals.  

“…your race suffers very greatly, many of them, by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence.”

            This is President Abraham Lincoln. ‘We suffer by your very presence,’ and he was being nice!

Going back to Africa would have been brilliant idea. Whom do you think made the steel, to fight the Civil War? Negroes working in steel mills north and south. Slave labor made the industrial revolution in America possible. Negroes existed and served on every level of American society, from the cotton fields to servants of the biggest corporations in America, to the White House. Think of the conversations Negroes heard from businessmen and diplomats from around the world? Think of the wealth of knowledge the Negro gained in every field of manufacturing, the sciences, business, railroads, architecture — knowledge that could have been taken back to the one place on earth everybody else wanted to be, except the American Negro.

            They could have used all the knowledge gained standing next to the power in America, to consolidate and transform the continent of Africa into the super power it deserved to be, taking control of its natural resources, while educating its people to bring them into the 20th and 21st centuries. America — the world would have eagerly opened their arms wide to embrace the former slaves, because there was money to be made. But every step of the way, the one thing standing in the way of the Negro succeeding on planet earth as a people, has been the betrayal of the people by their leaders.

Now, 151 years later, stability never came to the continent of Africa and the Negro/Black/Colored/Mulattos are still whining with Oprah, about not being treated equally. Whether it’s Barneys or a gated community, the message has never changed from day one; free Negroes are not welcome.

They said, (Black people) with a so-called Black president things would get better for the Negro. Little Negro children would have something to aspire to: “One day, I can be president, just like Obama!” a little Black boy prays on bended knees.

Hey kid, get used to the idea that the God your people have been praying to for the last 400 years, isn’t your God at all. Also get used to the idea that you’re being replaced. The new Negroes are just across the boarder. They work for less, are happy to have jobs, never complain, are family oriented, dependable, save their money, vote liberal, are very polite — mostly Catholics (Church loves). And even though they can’t speak a word of English, at least it’s a language.

Another thing kid, America is trying to figure out what to do with all the Ebonicized G.L.F.P. (Gangsta Lifestyle Fantasy Program) Black teens that definitely won’t have jobs of any substance in the near future. This time, I guarantee a trip to Africa is off the table, and at this point — they don’t want to spend that much, not when they make more money putting you in prisons.

By, Herman Williams III

Special thanks to Robert Morgan

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Breeding A Nation of Murderers

“By the year 2005, the number of teens, ages 14-17, will increase by 20%, with a larger increase among blacks in this age group (26%).

Even if the per-capita rate of teen homicide remains the same, the number of 14-17 year-olds who will commit murder should increase to nearly 5,000 annually because of changing demographics. However, if offending rates continue to rise because of worsening conditions for our nation’s youth, the number of teen killings could increase even more.

The challenge for the future, therefore, is how best to deal with youth violence. Without a large-scale effort to educate and support young children and preteens today, we can likely expect a much greater problem of teen violence tomorrow. There is, however, still time to stem the tide, and to avert the coming wave of teen violence. But time is of the essence.” March 1996: James Alan Fox, Ph.D. Dean, College of Criminal Justice Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts

During the early 1990s, if you were a producer in the television business and did shows that mattered concerning youth and violence, then you knew the name, James Alan Fox. He was/is a prophet when it comes to understanding the nature of the beast we have created, in the form of juvenile violence. Here’s his bio; you’ll be impressed. The above quote was taken from a document he wrote titled, TRENDS IN JUVENILE VIOLENCE, a Report to the United States Attorney General in 1996, on Current and Future Rates of Juvenile Offending. 

     I will be copying and pasting pieces of this most brilliant/prophetic report to comment upon throughout this essay.  
            By now it is obvious Mr. Fox’s ‘Challenge for the future’ was completely ignored. And not only was it ignored, but in many ways you could say it became the blueprint for an entire marketing scheme designed to take advantage of the burgeoning youth population as well as their tendencies for violence.

“The recent surge in youth crime actually occurred while the population of teenagers was on the decline. But this demographic benefit is about to change. As a consequence of the “baby boomerang” (the offspring of the baby boomers), there are now 39 million children (in 1996) in this country who are under the age of ten, more young children than we’ve had for decades. Millions of them live in poverty. Most do not have full-time parental supervision at home guiding their development and supervising their behavior. Of course, these children will not remain young and impressionable for long; they will reach their high-risk years before too long. As a result, we likely face a future wave of youth violence that will be even worse than that of the past ten years.” James Alan Fox

Thirty-nine million children at home, after school (if they even bothered going), watching Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey, with no full time supervision – no fathers. Folks, it was a game makers wet dream scenario. One year after the report, the world was introduced to Grand Theft Auto (1997). Three years later Fight Club (1999), perhaps the two most socially impactful entertainment events in the history of this country. One a game, the other a movie, both affected an entire generation. What followed was a host of violent, roleplaying video games, all designed to take advantage of a ‘once in a century’ marketing condition that would eventually lead to this:

(CNN) -- An 8-year-old Louisiana boy intentionally shot and killed his elderly caregiver after playing a violent video game, authorities say. While the motive is unclear, the sheriff's department implied the child's activities in a violent virtual world, may have led to the killing. "Although a motive for the shooting is unknown at this time investigators have learned that the juvenile suspect was playing a video game on the Play Station III 'Grand Theft Auto IV,' a realistic game that has been associated with encouraging violence and awards points to players for killing people, just minutes before the homicide occurred." By Lauren Russell, CNN updated 8:01 AM EDT, Mon August 26, 2013

The game's maker Take Two Interactive, rejected the link:

"Ascribing a connection to entertainmenta theory that has been disproven repeatedly by multiple independent studiesboth minimizes this moment and sidesteps the real issues at hand," the company said in a statement. By Lauren Russell, CNN updated 8:01 AM EDT, Monday, August 26, 2013

What else are they going to say; they’re just trying to make a living, right? And of course the denial flies in the face, because it’s assuming we’re all stupid or it’s, ‘Wink, wink; we know the game will transform some percentage of the kids who play it for eight hours straight into mindless killing machines, but… hey… we’re making a shit load of money!’ Not that Take Two would ever say such a thing, mind you. 
As far as I'm concerned the need for further research is not necessary, if you have a brain and the basic ability to reason. Any sane adult raising children who’s future they actually give a damn about, wouldn’t let their kids play Halo – period the end! I’ll bet the game makers don’t even let their own children play these games. And here’s another thing we know, WE, being anyone over the age of fifty; We know there’s always a kid, or group of kids, who don’t get it – who are nothing but trouble from the get-go. We all know or have known boys like this. Such boys – brothers they were; lived in my neighborhood many years ago before video games were invented, thank God. They had a passion for killing small animals by the litter, like cute little puppies or kittens. These boys derived great pleasure in the many ways of dispatching living creatures to the other side of life! On the outside they looked liked your average sweet kids, but on the inside they were really fucked up!
Years later, while working as a producer for the Montel Williams Show, I had a rare opportunity to be involved in the production of at least 4 interviews with known serial killers like, Wesley Allan Dodd, and Aileen Carol Wuornos. While doing research into traits most serial killers shared, for the men, there’s a lot of animal mutilations and the killing of puppies when they were little boys. My point is that for the last thirteen years, we not only ignored the warnings of experts like James Fox, but we put one of the main weapons each and every serial killer shares into the hands of children, and that’s the power of disassociation – perhaps the most critical mindsets of someone intent upon exterminating others.
So based on socioeconomic conditions, combined with a lack of parental supervision, and more important, love… what percentage of the 39 million teens, James Fox speaks of in his report is an acceptable amount of puppy killers playing violent video games? The ability to kill thousands of computer-generated avatars without blinking an eye, is the kind of stuff they teach soldiers to survive on the battlefield. Video simulators are used to teach people how to fly airplanes. The military uses sophisticated video game technology to train hand-eye coordination and reflexes. Need I mention what it takes to operate a drone? With the press of a button, a kid half way round the world can blow up a whole division of soldiers.
So we put this technology into the hands of children? Another thing; what percentage of the 39 million teens are young boys being raised by mothers  boys who are misfits in school  picked on, bullied, harassed, and shunned. What percentage of these boys are sitting home alone engaged in hours upon hours of violent, roll playing games built around a criminal storyline and murder?

Tie between mass killings and violent video games merits look

 “Much research suggests that ordinary people playing violent video games do experience heightened feelings of belligerence, along with higher heart rate and blood pressure. In his own study, Brad Bushman, a professor of communications and psychology at Ohio State University, found that typical college students playing violent games for only 20 minutes a day for three days became more aggressive.

Most players don't act on their anger, because they come to the game in fairly good mental health, Bushman wrote in response to the Navy Yard massacre. “But what about players who already are predisposed to violence?” He added, “Violent video games are just one more factor that may be pushing them toward violence.” By Froma Harrop, September 25, 2013

The human mind is a funny thing. A child has not had enough experiences in the world to make rational decisions. Neither are they capable of understanding the complexity of emotions associated with the chemical responses in our brains to stimuli such as violence, even if it’s not technically real. From a recent article published in Waking Times titled, “Trained for Violence: How Video Games Affect The Brain” Christina Sarich, Staff Writer 

“Part of the problem is that our brains are so adaptable, and a relatively new study coming out of the University of Missouri (U of M) shows that violent video games appear to make people more aggressive and desensitized to the violence that we see in our every day world. While this finding seems obvious, it is still relatively groundbreaking in science to understand that the relationship between our mind and our subjective experience actually has physical effects on our body and brain, effects that are dramatic and can even be enduring. 

If you’ve ever played 'Halo' (which consequently raked in over $300 million in sales in the first two weeks of its release), 'Call of Duty,' or 'Grand Theft Auto' the last of which you can actually slap a grandmother and steal her purse, then you have likely desensitized your brain to real life acts of aggression and violence. The longer you sit before violent images and the more frequently you play, apparently the more desensitized you get. With findings like these, it is no wonder that young adults growing up in a world of progressive violence and disregard for their peers and community seems like just another average day.”

Remember this: (CNN) -- An 8-year-old Louisiana boy intentionally shot and killed his elderly caregiver after playing a violent video game, authorities say.

More on the issue of violent video games front; the San Antonio Express-News:

Tie between mass killings and violent video games merits look

“We learn that Alexis, like Lanza, like the Columbine High School shooters, spent long hours hypnotized by violent video games. So pervasive have these games become that the public now shrugs at the likes of “Grand Theft Auto,” once considered shocking for its anti-social violence. The casual bloodletting in the new “Grand Theft Auto V” is said to be oiled by humor and satire, injecting more confusion into already-confused minds. “ By Froma Harrop September 25, 2013         
She continues with:

“There is debate on whether these games promote violent behavior. The case that they do seems strong enough to have compelled one video game maker to hire a crack lobbying firm to stop a Senate bill that would sponsor research into the possible connection.”
One more thing on the video game connection; apparently there’s a Dr. Keith Ablow, a psychiatrist: graduate of Brown University and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine – he believes:
“Guns are irrelevant to this (Teenage mass shooters) problem. All of these killers… are mentally ill. We have a crumbled mental health care system that can’t address them. But more than that, we’re exposing people most at risk to a new and toxic drug called ‘virtual entertainment’ and the worst of it are these violent video games.”
Going back to the timeframe in which the James Fox report came out, who else readied themselves to make money off of the 39 million teenagers of the near future? We already know the record industries and private prison systems were making a shitload of money marketing the Gangsta Lifestyle Fantasy Program or GLFP on impressionable poor Blacks, and Whites who just liked the music. Even though the marriage of prison system and record industry seemed to officially begin around 1984, the mid-nineties represented the heyday with Biggie, Tupac, and former crack dealers making it big selling out their own people for money and the GLFP. With Black communities in chaos in just about every major city in America, it was time to target the burgeoning white middle class teenagers.
In 1999, Hollywood got the ball rolling with the premier of Fight Club. Only humans raised by wolves  in a cave  for the last 14-years haven’t heard of Brad Pit and Fight Club. As a direct result of this movie, hundreds of cell phone videos began to appear on YouTube, premiering the nations finest – white teenagers – engaged in their own versions of Fight Club. They kicked each others asses’ silly in front of cheering crowds, on parking lots, street corners, and in private homes. It literally took off like a fad and swept the nation, with both teenaged boys and girls staging battles, while others recorded the carnage.
Meanwhile, during the same time period the adults certainly didn’t serve as shinning examples to live by. Since 1990 the United States of America has been involved in seventy armed conflicts around the world. Uh… that officially makes us war mongers. We talk peace, but kill innocents with our actions. We argue about the importance of the life of each fetus, but have no problem sending drones to kill some mother’s children on foreign lands. We, the United States of America, have become extremely proficient at killing. It is often said; we do well, that which we love the most.
Our children have been watching us in action. Our children are a reflection of who we are as a society, not just the parents of individual children — but all children, rich, poor, crazy, brilliant, stupid, polite, productive, or lazy. We’re supposed to be the adults in charge, while trying to create a better world for our children! But everywhere you look, there’s one hot mess after another.
There were 250 people shot in Chicago, in a single month! There isn't a single war going on anywhere on planet earth, where more people are killed in a month, than on the streets of America every day! And who do we blame… we blame the guns, not the people doing all the shooting. And then we have the audacity to be shocked when this kind of news hits the airwaves:

“Sources told the news station that the calculated killer struck the beloved teacher twice before slashing her throat with a box cutter. The teen — covered in blood — stuffed Ritzer’s body into a recycling bin, which he wheeled from the bathroom and out of the school, the station reported.” BY Joe Kemp, the New York Daily News Friday, October 25, 2013, 8:31 am

Folks, when 14-year-olds are callously slicing their teacher’s throats... it’s not the 14-year-old’s fault, it’s our fault!
And this is our fault:

January 10, 2013; Teen shoots high school student before being disarmed by teacher: October 21, 2013 Nevada student shoots teacher dead; wounds two before killing self.

This darkness manifested by a 16-year old in California, a 12-year old in in Nevada, and 14-year-old Philip Chism’s murder of his teacher Colleen Ritzer in Boston, is what we deserve! Violence is after-all, what we are all about! We are a nation that has been breeding murderers. According to the Disaster Center dot com crime statistics, which coincides with the FBI’s data base on violent crime: from 1960 until 2012 there have been in excess of 1,008,081 murders (reported) in this country, which is an average of about 19,300 murders per/year. Folks if those kinds of numbers were thrown around in any other part of the world, it would be called a holocaust!
It should also be noted that the number of forcible rapes over the same period was 3,722,444 reported, which works out to over 71,000 per/year. And we all know that number represents what… one third of the actual number, since most rapes aren’t reported? But I predict the numbers will go up substantially this year, when you consider the marriage between the Hip-Hop music industry, and the makers of the drug molly (pure form of MDMA — ecstasy). Is it me, or is just about every rapper on the airwaves slipping molly references into their verses?
“Psssst... when you rap about giving MDMA to unsuspecting women so you can take advantage of them sexually, the kids are gonna assume it’s all part of the Gangster Lifestyle Fantasy Program.”
So we’re also a nation that breeds rapists, it seems.
I waited a week or so to write this essay, knowing that by the time it was read, most of the nation would have forgotten about 14-year-old Philip Chism’s, brutal murder of a teacher – a woman who was described by everyone as a loving, caring human being.
A child… sliced – her - throat - with - a - box cutter in the school bathroom!
If you have forgotten, perhaps it’s because the next day some other terrible thing happened that took your mind off the terrible thing that happened the day before. And while we’re on the subject, sorry to be the one to break the news, but the experiment of single mothers raising boys into men, alone, is now officially over… please! It’s not working. Believe me, that’s not meant as a slight to all the hard working women trying to make ends meet while raising a family, it’s really an indictment of our concept of what constitutes the proper environment for raising children. Again, there are some boys who absolutely need a dominant male father figure living in the home, who is admired, respected, or feared.
You can bet your life that fourteen year-old Philip Chism was one of these boys. This isn’t rocket science. A child needs a loving family with a mother and father who live under the same roof – period the end. Anything else is asking for trouble. But don’t take my word for it:

“While the negative socializing forces of drugs, guns, gangs and the media have become more threatening, the positive socializing forces of family, school, religion and neighborhood have grown relatively weak and ineffective. Increasingly, children are being raised in homes disrupted by divorce or economic stress; too many children emerge undersocialized and undersupervised. Too many of them do not have the benefit of a strong, positive role model in their lives or supervision; either living with a single parent who works full-time or in a two-parent household with both parents working full-time (see Fig. 10). The lack of parental supervision for young children is nearly as great. As many as 49% of children under age six, do not have the benefit of full-time parenting. While some children enjoy suitable, substitute supervision provided by friends and relatives or in day-care, far too many do not. “ James Fox 1996

Remember; this report was created in 1996. Today the number is more like 57% of children in America do not have full-time parental supervision. Worse still, 30 to 50% of poor, inner city Black children are illiterate. So with an influx of previously illegal immigrants suddenly having the red carpet rolled out, these new folks, even though they can’t speak a word of English, will take all the jobs the poor illiterate Black teens had even a slight chance of getting. With that said, I’m going to end this the way I began:

The challenge for the future, therefore, is how best to deal with youth violence. Without a large-scale effort to educate and support young children and preteens today, we can likely expect a much greater problem of teen violence tomorrow. There is, however, still time to stem the tide, and to avert the coming wave of teen violence. But time is of the essence.” March 1996: James Alan Fox, Ph.D. Dean, College of Criminal Justice Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts

By Herman Williams III

Update 1/6/2014

Violent video games leave teenagers 'morally immature', claims study

Updates 12/15/2013: 

BEAVER COUNTY (KDKA) – An 18-year-old has been charged in the brutal rape and beating of an elderly nun in Aliquippa.

Karl Halverson Pierson, 18, injured two students at Arapahoe High School, turned gun on self

OAKLAND (KCBS)— The arrest of a 13-year-old boy for the carjacking of a 78-year-old man in Downtown Oakland on Friday is prompting warnings, as the police department has noticed an increase in these types of incidents.

An 11-year-old boy was arrested yesterday for slugging his grandmother in the nose when she refused to buy him a toy at an Ohio department store, police report

Friday, July 26, 2013

When Black Teens Attack

In the wake of all the “Justice for Trayvon” madness, we have yet another non-black citizen, being attacked by a vicious group of Black teens in Baltimore’s, Little Italy. The video is here…

**Update July 29, 2013 ** This article was just posted on the Drudge Report today...

Again, I reference the word Black teens to illustrate the “Disease Called Blackness,” as the single mitigating factor in incidents such as this. 

Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines the word black thusly:

5 a: characterized by the absence of light <a black night>

b: reflecting or transmitting little or no light <black water>

6 a: thoroughly sinister or evil: wicked <a black deed>

b: indicative of condemnation or discredit <got a black mark for being late>
7: connected with or invoking the supernatural and especially the devil <black magic>
a: very sad, gloomy, or calamitous <black despair>

b: marked by the occurrence of disaster <black Friday>

9: characterized by hostility or angry discontent: sullen <black resentment filled his heart>

Anyone, or group of people who embraces this word to define themselves are demanding that society and the universal energies of Love and Harmony treat them as if they are all of the above. Period, the end!

By, Herman Williams III, a.k.a. Homam P. Stanly